Award recipients will be notified within 5 working days of the last day of the competition.
Gold medals are approximately 2 inches in diameter and weigh about 1.5 ounces. They are attractively engraved with the wine competition logo and award designation and are not year-specific. Medals typically take six weeks to produce and are mailed as soon as available. Only Gold Medals and above are published in The Press Democrat, Spirited Magazine, on this website and at EnofileOnline.com within ten (10) working days of the final judging day.
Silver and bronze medals will be given but not published. Wines receiving a silver or bronze medal designation will have access to download a pdf certificate for Achievement in Winemaking in recognition of this award in lieu of an actual medal. Pdfs will be available on this website after medal announcements (see below).
All winners will receive an official press release after the competition once winners have been notified. You may tailor it to your winery's needs. See official press release.
Winners are entitled to display the trademarked competition logo on their websites and in marketing materials in compliance with the event owner's policies. Logos will be available for download on this website at the conclusion of the competition.
Several versions of the official event logo are below based on your needs. Download by right-clicking and saving to your computer. If you require a higher resolution version for print, please email your request to Debra Del Fiorentino, debra@winecompetitions.com.
.png version .jpg version .pdf version

OFFICIAL LOGO + PR and Certificates